Bartnik, Agnieszka(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 2012)
Eighty four years ago professor Czarnkowski started his studies on Nehalennie goddess.
Nowadays thanks to new study materials it’s necessary to restart those studies. Because
statues of studies made in the twentieth century have changed some of their results
have become obscure. Nehalennie goddess which was widely recognized as a German
goddess similar to Idunn according to new discoveries seems to play a diff erent role.
Basing on new discoveries we can say that she’s a Celtic goddess. Symbols on alters
dedicated to her, that were discovered in Domburg and Colijnsplaat suggest that she’s
one of Celtic Matres. She was not, as it was once suggested, an guardian of pantry,
trade or see. She was a goddess-mother, carer of people both on earth and after death.
As a psychopomp she led their souls to the other world....