Citation:študijné zvesti archeologického ústavu SAV 61, 2017, s. 85–116.
The paper deals with the problem of swords in the West Balt circle. It has been stated that they lack here almost entirely,
with the exception for several swords known. The author opposes such idea, showing new materials proving the usage
of swords in the Balt cultural milieu, specifically swords from bog sacrificial sites (Wólka, Czaszkowo) and elements of
swords’ scabbards, fittings of baldric belts aimed to hang the scabbard, or sword’s handle fitting discovered in graves
without swords themselves. That phenomenon is observed both in the Roman (the Bogaczewo culture and Dollkeim-
Kovrovo culture) and Migration Period (the Olsztyn group). It seems to prove that Balts frequently avoided placement
of swords in graves what could be expressed by the value of swords (see long usage of broken and then sharpened
swords) or ritual matters/beliefs (e.g. pars-pro-toto principle or taboo).